About Us
Rob Friesen, President & COO
Hello, I’m Rob Friesen, President & COO of Bright Trading. Since 1992, Bright Trading has offered capital, education, and professional tools to our members that have joined out firm to start or continue in a Professional Trading Career.
Whether you are experienced or new to this industry , please fill out our Questionnaire.
I will contact you to see if we can provide a better alternative to you current situation. One of our most frequent requests is from traders requiring access to additional capital to better operate their equities trading business.
We invite you to attend one of our online comprehensive training events.
As markets change, edges come and go, we always strive to be current.
Let’s work together to further your Career in Trading.
-Rob Friesen

Bob Bright, Chief Executive Officer
Being born with a unique mathematical ability,
Bob has always been able to quickly spot the “edge” in any type of game or
business. After achieving perfect scores on Standardized Math Tests, both in
High School and the Army, Bob was destined for a career where he could apply
his skills. his success began at an early age, playing poker in High School and
the Army. He would make many times his monthly salary playing cards.
After receiving his Bachelor of Science degree
in Accounting, Mr. Bright then spent several years as an executive for
Johns-Manville Corporation. In 1974 he quit his job, packed up his wife and 3
young children, and moved to Las Vegas to become a Professional Blackjack Card
Counter. In the next 3-4 years he earned significant amounts from the casinos
(worldwide), which resulted in him being “barred” from many venues. He then
joined the Pacific Stock Exchange (1978) and began trading computer modeled
option strategies, many of which he designed himself from his blackjack math
models. In the mid-1980’s he joined the Chicago Mercantile Exchange to trade
the S&P Futures and the Chicago Board Options Exchange to trade OEX and
listed Options. He learned first-hand the art of Arbitrage and made Millions
during the 1980’s.
Seeing that trading had gone “full circle” with
more opportunities in equities trading than derivatives, he and long-time
friends and trader, Eddie Franco formed Bright Trading in 1992. Eddie retired
in 2003 and Bob continued to trade full-time, while managing the firm.
Bright Trading has witnessed many changes in
this industry with dozens of trading firms coming and going during the last 28
years. Bob’s leadership has kept Bright Trading fit and able to provide capital
to its traders to facilitate their ability for this professional career. Bright
Traders now work from the comfort of their homes or personal offices.
Bob has been featured on CNBC, in USA Today,
Trader Monthly, Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities Magazine and
other Media and is touted as the Nation’s Number One Day Trader. His decades of
experience are valuable and his contributions to education on how he has made
money trading are valuable to traders.